The Adventures of Nicolas Bear!                                                              

Nicolas Bear arrived in St Nicolas Church at the end of May 2013. He lives in the Church but loves going on adventures all around the world with his friends in the congregation. He has a busy diary but if you going anywhere exciting when he's free, he'd love to come along! You can find out if he is free by asking our Rector, Sally.

Here are some photos from his recent travels with his friends. He'd love to meet you too!                        (Click on the pictures to view)

Sweden with Revd. Sally in May 2013-


Peterborough in June 2013-

Turkey in June 2013-

Turkey cool dude

St Nicholas Church, Harwich in July 2013-

Durham and Holy Island in July 2013-


Back home in Essex-

Nicolas Bear

 At the Retreat House, Pleshey-

On a trip to Germany with the Twinning Association


Christmas 2016 in India

Nicoals Bear in India